Avoid Destroying Your Bow – 3 Signs Your Bow String Needs Replacing
Let’s face it whether you’re using a compound, recurve or crossbow one of the most important components of all of them is the string. It is crucial you make sure your string is in top shape or you could face personal injury or an expensive bill. Here are 3 signs to look out for before your string breaks.
Archery Exercises – Archery Fitness to Improve AccuracyMany archers wonder if archery fitness is important for success and if you can improve your archery performance by improving your conditioning. The sport of archery is not considered to be extremely physically demanding. But as with most physical endeavors you can perform better with proper conditioning thus some archery exercises that include a modest strength training program should be considered it you want to perform up to your full potential as an archer.
Archery Competitions – Different TypesArchery is an old traditional sport. People during the ancient times made use of the bow and arrow. They uses the bow and arrows to hunt wild boars and other stray animals. People use it for hunting and to defend themselves from other tribes. Archery is also used in warfare. As time went on, archery had a tremendous leap towards becoming an Olympic sport.
The Future of Archery – Archers Honing Their Skills in Outer Space ConsideredHave you ever wondered what types of sports will survive in the future, sports which will be played on other planets in space colonies? How about in orbiting space hotels, or space stations? How about in long-range cargo ships traveling through space to other planets?
Fine Tuning Your Bow With an Archery Bow PressOne important element of the home bow shop is an archery bow press. When you have this, your home bow shop is fairly complete and you are able to improve, tune, and maintain your bows and arrows. It is the bow press that is the key to your home bow shop collection.