KL Rahul की बड़ी पारियों का लखनऊ की जीत में तब्दील होना ज़रुरी: Virender Sehwag

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Why Traditional Archery?

Traditional archery can be challenging, fascinating and addictive, and can offer a welcome change to the recurve archer. If you have never considered shooting barebow, this article explores the appeal of shooting a more traditional bow.

“Lazy Shooting” – How to Beat Tired Shooting and Improve Stamina

Every archer will have been there at some point. You’re shooting a long round, and you finally get to the last few dozen at a shorter distance. However, even though the target now seems far closer than when you started, your scores don’t improve as you keep dipping into blue and black.

Archery Shooting – A Few Tips to Build Confidence

Archery refers to the practice of using a bow to shoot arrow. It is an age old game. Historically, it has been used for hunting but today it is an important sport. Those who are passionate about this game knows the kind of satisfaction one gets playing it.

Archery Games – Nearest the Bull

Equipment: Standard FITA target face, mounted either on a butt and stand or on the hay bale. Each archer has 6 arrows. Game Details – In the first round of the game, archers shoot six arrows in their own time at the target.

How to Make a Bow

In this article, I will be telling you how to make a European styled flat bow. These types of bows were used mainly as a hunting implement in Europe for centuries.

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