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Alpine Archery Bows Combine Technology and Beauty

Innovative brand names never fail to devise a clever way to pin their name to the latest “hot” sport. This is marketing wizardry at its finest. Just as the Adidas, New Balance, and Nike conquered their particular niches in the sports world, Alpine has done the same thing as it overwhelmed of the archery world. If you were to ask any professional archer what his brand of bow he prefers, what do you suppose the answer would be? If you guessed Alpine Archery you would be correct!

The Importance of Good Archery Equipment

When beginning the great sport of archery, it is important to have quality information on what type of equipment you want to purchase. Many beginners become lost in all the types and varieties of archery equipment to choose from, and soon give up. Archery equipment varies greatly in price, accuracy, and quality.

Psycho Cybernetics in Archery Accuracy Achievement

Every great archer knows that archery is a sport of technique, skill and mental agility. The archer imagines the arrow hitting the bull’s eye before he releases the powerful weapon. If you are new to archery may I suggest a relevant book to read first; “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz a renoun expert on the subject of the powers of the mind?

Wheelchair Archery Sports – Get Active, Get Fit, Challenge Yourself!

Archery is a sport that is open to athletes even with a physical disability. Even though this sport is very physically demanding, it is one sport that disabled athletes can compete on an equal basis with able-bodied people.

Archery History

This is a brief introduction to the history of archery. The first archaeological findings are discussed, the importance of the bow in warfare is mentioned and modern archery as a sport is discussed.

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